Just received my copy. Congratulations on a remarkable composition. Volume II, which is quite different from Volume I, will clearly have mass market appeal, as it covers subject matter specific to the Stasi that will be of interest to a much broader audience. And, the book is compiled in a masterful methodology that makes reading a breeze. The chapters are full of fascinating historic information accompanied by some of the best photos I've recently seen in a book of this type, the majority of which are in vibrant eye catching color.

Your second volume is a true masterpiece and I am thrilled to have been on the mailing list. I cannot give enough praise to you on the quality of the book. Collectors and people in general interested in the "Cold War" will simply have to acquire a copy for themselves, to see what they are missing. Mind blowing stuff, not to be seen anywhere else. Anyone who purchases this book will not be disappointed. The cost is trivial given theinformation contained in the book.

Volume II really gives an in-depth and in-person close up inside view of the East German Stasi. "We are talking about stuff that here-to-fore was kept in the darkest corners of the Stasi Closet". A remarkable piece of work.

Ralph, thank you for following through with Volume II. It is truly a historic and epic book, with no rival.

Michael Gallagher